A beginners guide to the basic rules and tactics of Louis
Vuitton Cup matchracing.
The two boats enter from opposite ends of the start line with
five minutes till the start. The boat with the yellow flag
flying off its stern enters from the committee boat end of the
line on starboard and the boat flying the blue flag enters
from the pin end on port.
Typically the two yachts then perform a
manoeuvre known as the dial-up, which involves both boats
going head to wind and sitting side-by-side. When in this
position, with their sails flapping on neither tack, the boat
sitting to port (to the left) must keep clear.
Quite often the boats have to sail backwards out of this
position. To enable this the crew backwind the jib (sheet the
foresail onto the opposite side), which pushes the bow of the
boat around.
Another pre-start tactic is to get on the stern of your
opponent and either chase them far away from the start box or
over the line early. Although the boat that is clear ahead has
right of way if the other boat trails close enough they are in
a stronger tactical position with the ability to prevent the
front boat from tacking or gybing.
As the seconds count down another tactic is
to luff your opponent up over the line. If the two boats are
on the same tack and overlapped the windward boat must keep
clear of the leeward boat. As the leeward boat you are able to
head up towards the wind and the windward boat must keep clear.
However, the leeward boat must give the other boat time to get
out of the way. If a protest occurs the on-the-water umpires
decide whether enough room to move was given.
Once the race begins the leading yacht will head to the
favoured side of the course. If the wind is shifting to the
left, the left hand side of the course is favoured and vice
versa. But quite often if the wind is even (coming directly
down the beat) the leading boat will head out to the right
hand side of the course to protect the starboard advantage.
This is because the boat on starboard has
right of way over a boat on port, so when the two boats cross
for the first time up the beat the boat on port must either
dip behind or tack if they cannot cross clear ahead of their
starboard opponent.
The basic idea on an upwind leg is for the leading boat to
cover the trailing boat, always staying between them and the
breeze. Quite often the yachts will engage in a tacking duel.
This is when the trailing boat tacks out from under the cover
of the leading boat and the leading boat tacks to cover.
Sailors can get tricky here performing what is termed a dummy-tack,
which involves pretending to tack so that your opposition
tacks, leaving you able to get fresh air.
The lead boat might also try to bounce the other yacht out to
one of the laylines because once they are on the layline they
run out of options and must simply follow the leader to the
Buoys can also be a good place to use
tactics. If the trailing boat can get an inside overlap before
an imaginary two-boat length circle around the mark, they have
buoy room, and the leading boat must allow them room to go
around the mark on the inside.
Downwind, the trailing boat will try to sit directly behind
the leading boat, blanketing them and casting foul air onto
their sails, allowing them to catch up. The trailing boat can
disturb the air up to 12 boat lengths ahead.
Actually passing a boat downwind is
tactically quite tricky as the leading boat can use the rules
to stop them, by luffing them up, or if the trailing boat gets
too close and actually crashes into the boat ahead they will
get penalised.
In America's Cup racing the boats are given a delayed penalty
of 270 degrees, this means either tacking on a downwind run or
gybing on an upwind leg. The crews are able to take the
penalty any time after the start and before finishing. If both
competing yachts incur penalties they cancel each other out
and if a yacht gets more than two penalties they will be
disqualified from the race.